EIFC and Special Needs Parents and Guardians

Parents, Guardians, and Caretakers have a special place in the EIFC path to developmental success. They are the ones that are with their children 24/7. They are there for every struggle and every meltdown. They are there for every breakthrough and every milestone.

It’s not an overstatement to say that parents and guardians are the keystone to every child’s success. At EIFC we don’t just recognize this but celebrate it.

ABA and Parent Training

EIFC takes a very holistic approach to parent training and ABA therapy-meaning that we don’t just work with the parents but with every family member and adult that spends a significant portion of time with the child.

Once a week we meet with a family member to discuss the treatment plan and progress. This makes sure that the therapist and the family are on the same page for the treatment of the child.

Once a month we meet with all adults that play a significant part in the child’s life-from grandparents and aunts and uncles to adults outside of the family like tutors and caregivers-to discuss treatment, their observations and the steps necessary to move forward towards the child’s goals.

We are also available by appointment to fit our meetings to your schedule.

Additional Special Needs Training for Adults

Adult training for our ABA therapy doesn’t just stop with a few meetings. We hold weekly seminars and workshops to help give adults the skills that they need in order to facilitate their child’s success. These can cover a variety of ever-changing topics. Please contact us for a full list of upcoming training seminars and workshops.

Parent Training Programs for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Parent training programs for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) teach parents tested strategies that help them gain a better understanding of how to improve behavior in kids with an ASD and give them a better chance at thriving in school, home, and work environments.

These training programs have proven to be reliable sources of improvement in ways such as increasing a child’s communication skills, decreasing non-productive behaviors, boosting conformity with parental requests, increasing consumption of non-preferred foods, as well as mentoring imitation of actions with objects. One study revealed that parent education and ability training was valuable to the wellness of both the parents and the children with autism.

Are Parent Training Courses Different than Specialized Therapy?

Many therapy programs for autism may not provide all the information parents are looking for in how to respond to and teach their children accordingly. Additionally, metropolitan areas have huge waiting checklists for services in several big cities, as well as many individuals that reside in rural areas need to drive hundreds of miles to get specialized care for their children. Parent training classes were developed to help underserved neighborhoods at home and abroad address these issues.

In numerous nations around the world, parent training courses are not meant to replace specialized treatment for those with an ASD. Rather, they are used as a method to supplement specialist solutions and to help those who have to wait extraordinary times for specialty care.

What Does a Parent Training Program Entail?

Most of our communication methods concentrate on adhering to the child’s lead. When we respond and also imitate what they state or do, the youngsters see that we heard them and are taking note. This approach differs from other methods where the adults guide the interaction and ask the youngster to say something. With parent training, the child is instead given the moment to launch communication without triggers, which has proven to be a much more natural social interaction.

Training classes focus on giving caregivers fundamental skills and fundamental expertise that will help them interact with their kids in ways that promote the growth of pivotal communication and social skills. As part of this, we discuss the various methods children connect and the significance of talking at the kid’s developmental degree.

Additionally, included is a collection of steps that parents can utilize to help troubleshoot a situation. This consists of thinking about the nature of the issue, listing possible remedies and evaluating the pros and cons of each before trying them out.

Benefits of Parent Training Programs for Autism

Training presents a learning opportunity that offers everyone in your family useful problem solving ideas, real-life examples & skills they can make use of to take care of and support loved ones with an ASD from adolescence to young adulthood.

Parents get training with the objective of having the ability to take part in their child’s treatment and help to increase their understanding of important life skills & concepts. These classes are intended to help parents teach their kids in a wide variety of environments, make the most of learning opportunities, and urge their child to be effective and independent throughout their life.

Some benefits of involved in a parent training program include:

  • Seeing just how little ones, students, and adults construct self-reliance through a series of life skills interactions.
  • Learn strategies to assist families with social, communication & physical obstacles.
  • Help parents to better recognize issues and provide support for their loved one in the residence, learning institutions, and community.
  • Establish Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) abilities in parents to raise their child’s interaction skills & decrease undesirable behaviors.
  • Learn how these approaches can be applied to daily situations.
  • Knowledge acquired in these programs can be applied immediately & effectively.

Skills Learned in Parent Training

  • Strategies to reduce or remove troubling behaviors.
  • How to connect with other parents for support.
  • Building coping skills for both parents and their children.
  • How to build & develop routines.
  • How to properly respond to unwanted behaviors without aggravating the situation.
  • How and when to use reinforcement.
  • What can be creating habits (sensory, medical, pain, and so on) as well as just how to treat them appropriately.
  • Learn how to use a visual timetable.

Parent Training Programs Available at EIFC – Enrichment Intervention Family Center

Curious about the cost of parent training classes? Many are free and others are often covered by insurance. Send us an email at info@eifcenter.com & we can help point you in the right direction for a parent training program or give us a call today at (877) 360-3432 to speak to an experienced member of our Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) team.